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Managing forecast models

A forecast model is the representation of a team's code that generates forecast data, and is contained by a project. Described here are the common operations done with models. Note that you must have a Zoltar account to manage models, and in particular you must be either the model's owner or the project owner to do the following.

Create a model

Models are created via a form:

  1. Go to the project detail page where you want to create a model.
  2. Click the green "New" button to the right of the models list.
  3. Fill in the fields and click "Create". Most fields are required, which will be indicated with error messages when you submit the form and any are missing.

Edit a model

Models are edited via a form:

  1. Go to the model detail page of the one you want to edit.
  2. Click the green edit pencil button to the right of the model name.
  3. Fill in the fields and click "Save".

Delete a model

Finally, to delete a model:

  1. Go to the model detail page of the one you want to delete.
  2. At the top, to the right of the model name, click the red delete trash can button and then click "Delete" in the confirmation dialog that appears. Note that this cannot be undone!