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Querying a project's forecasts

In addition to the ability to download individual forecasts via both the web UI and the Zoltar libraries, Zoltar supports downloading data from multiple forecasts via a simple query specification. You can download from the web UI as described in Download forecasts via the web UI or through the API.

Querying workflow

Like uploading a forecast, querying a project's forecasts can be a long operation. For this reason, Zoltar enqueues queries as jobs that are operated on separately from the web process. This means querying follows these steps:

  1. Create and submit the query. This returns a job that you can use to a) track the status of the query, and b) download the query results (forecast data).
  2. Poll the job until its status is SUCCESS. (You can use the web UI to do this as well. See Check an upload's status for how.)
  3. Download the data associated with the job.

Query format

Zoltar supports a simple filtering feature that allows users to limit what data is downloaded.

To filter a project's forecast data, we support the following six types of filters. They are passed behind the scenes to the server as a JSON object with keys and values.

Logically, the filters are treated as a list of "ANDs of ORs": Each of the five filter types are lists that are considered individually as ORs. For example, a list of models means get data from any of them. The filters are combined by ANDs, meaning only data that matches all filters. (See the below example.) The types of filters are:

1) Filter by model: Pass zero or more model abbreviations in the models field. Example:

{"models": ["60-contact", "CovidIL_100"]}  # gets data only from either of these two models

2) Filter by unit: Pass zero or more unit abbreviations in the units field. Example:

{"units": ["US"]}  # get data only for this unit

3) Filter by target: Pass zero or more target names in the targets field. Example:

{"targets": ["0 day ahead cum death", "1 day ahead cum death"]}  # get data only for either of these two targets

4) Filter by timezero: Pass zero or more timezero dates in yyyy-mm-dd format in the timezeros field. Example:

{"timezeros": ["2020-05-14", "2020-05-09"]}  # get data only for either of these two time zeros

5) Filter by forecast type: Pass a list of string types in the types field. Choices are bin, named, point, sample, quantile, mean, median, and mode. Example:

{"types": ["point", "quantile"]}  # get only point and quantile data

6) Filter by forecast version: Passing a datetime string in the optional as_of field causes the query to return only those forecast versions whose issued_at is <= the as_of datetime (AKA timestamp). If no as_of is passed then the query returns the most recent forecasts. (See Forecast Versions for more about versions.) The as_of field format must be a datetime as parsed by the dateutil python library, which accepts a variety of styles. You can find example here. Importantly, the datetime must include timezone information for disambiguation, without which the query will fail. (Note that Zoltar displays all datetimes using the UTC timezone.) Here's an example:

{"as_of": "2021-05-10 12:00 UTC "}  # get forecasts whose issued_at is <= this date

The lists in 1 through 5 operate as "OR" on their own but are combined in the final query as "AND"s. Here's an example:

{"models": ["60-contact", "CovidIL_100"],
 "units": ["US"],
 "targets": ["0 day ahead cum death", "1 day ahead cum death"],
 "timezeros": ["2020-05-14", "2020-05-09"],
 "types": ["point", "quantile"]

This results in data that is:

  • (from either the 60-contact OR CovidIL_100 models) AND
  • (the unit is US) AND
  • (the target is either 0 day ahead cum death or 1 day ahead cum death) AND
  • (the timezero is either 2020-05-14 OR 2020-05-09) AND
  • (the prediction type is either point OR quantile)

Note that not all types of filters are required to be specified. Any missing ones are treated by default as "all". In the previous example, if we omitted types then we'd get similar data except it would include all prediction types instead of just point or quantile ones.

Query options

Some features (currently only prediction type conversion) require additional information to run. This is specified via the options field, which is an object that acts like a flat dot-namespaced registry ala Firefox's Configuration Editor (its about:config page). Keys are period-delimited strings and values are option-specific values. Here's the above query with some options:

{"models": ["60-contact", "CovidIL_100"],
 "units": ["US"],
 "targets": ["0 day ahead cum death", "1 day ahead cum death"],
 "timezeros": ["2020-05-14", "2020-05-09"],
 "types": ["point", "quantile"],
 "options": {"convert.bin": true,
             "convert.point": "mean", 
             "convert.quantile": [0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975],
             "convert.sample": 100}

Prediction type conversion

Zoltar supports converting from some prediction types to desired ones that have not actually been uploaded. Conversion is activated by running a forecast query with these two parameters set:

  1. Include query options for the conversions you want. Including a conversion option does two things: a) it tells Zoltar that it should convert to that type (i.e., it enables that conversion), and b) possible details about how to do the conversion, depending on the types involved. (Some conversions require additional information on how to perform the conversion.)
  2. Specify the forecast types (#5 above) that you want the program to convert TO (or leave it unspecified, which will cause the program to include all types).

Here are all the conversions that we hope to support:

Note: Conversion is currently limited, with support coming for additional prediction types and target types. Also note that the conversion feature results in slower queries than when it is not requested.

TO type FROM type(s)) query option
bin named, sample convert.bin: boolean
named n/a n/a
point named, sample convert.point: string: "mean" or "median"
quantile named, sample convert.quantile: list: unique numbers in [0, 1]
sample named convert.sample: integer: # samples desired (>0)
mean named, sample convert.mean:boolean
median named, sample convert.median:boolean
mode named convert.mode:boolean

Converting takes into account each prediction element's target's type:

  • continuous: OK (mean, median)
  • discrete: OK (mean, median)
  • nominal: TBD (mode: which value, TRUE or FALSE, is more present in the samples)
  • binary: TBD (mode: which value, TRUE or FALSE, is more present in the samples
  • date: TBD (don’t support for now)

Currently, only these combinations are implemented:

  • Target types: continuous or discrete
  • Conversions:
TO type FROM type(s)) notes
point sample [1]
quantile sample [2]
mean sample [3]
median sample [4]

Data format

The forecasts are returned in the CSV format documented at Forecast data format (CSV).

Data limits

Because queries have the potential to return millions of rows, the number of resulting rows is capped. The query fails if it would exceed the limit.